

Ecofeminist Ways, Ecosocialist Means: Life in the Post-capitalist Future
published in Capitalism Nature Socialism, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2020.

Ecofeminism at the Heart of Ecosocialism
Leigh Brownhill, Terisa E. Turner
Volume 30, Number 1, 2019

Ecofeminism Against Capitalism and for the Commons
Terran Giacomini, Terisa Turner, Ana Isla, Leigh Brownhill
Volume 29, Number 1, 2018

From Hierarchy to Holism
Leigh Brownhill
Volume 29, Number 1, 2018

Creating Culture, a Review of Billy Bragg’s Roots, Radicals and Rockers: How Skiffle Changed the World
Leigh Brownhill
Volume 29, Number 1, 2018


Gendered Struggles for the Commons:
Food Sovereignty, Tree-Planting and Climate Change (2007)

Feminism in the Mau Mau Resurgence:
the demands and actions of landless Kenyan women

Why women are at war with Chevron:
Nigerian subsistence struggles against the international oil industry

African Jubilee:
Mau Mau Resurgence and the Fight For Fertility in Kenya, 1986-2002

Kenyan Cases at the International Criminal Court

From Canadian Dimension magazine:

My day at International Criminal Court

Not Out of the Woods

Seven Days in December

The Kitchener Record:
It is Poverty and the Police, Not Ethnicity, Behind the Violence in Kenya
When written in 2008, this brief analysis was aimed at a Canadian audience, and was meant to explain a few things about Kenya’s election with reference to the country’s globally-integrated political economy.


An article in the The East African Standard:

May 7, 2008 by Leigh Brownhill

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